How To Lose Weight Quickly Without Exercising!

One of the contributing causes to obesity is the wrong information given by the media to their viewers. There is a lot of weight loss foods being advertised today that claim to help you effectively shed of your extra pounds. While some of them may be true, most of these foods make you fat. How? Keep in mind that most processed foods has ingredients in them which can actually make you fat.

Weight gain can then be explained by first an excess amount of glucose in the body automatically converted into fat and second a low-fat metabolism from the liver which results in storing fat.

4) Eat Protein at every meal - protein helps rebuild muscles, maintain muscles, and maintain blood sugar. It helps you feel fuller longer. It's the most important nutrient in my opinion.

STEAMED OR RAW FRUITS & VEGETABLES: Your liver is going to love you! Eat steamed or raw fruits and vegetables for the next four days. By day seven you will notice a boost in energy and over-all well being.

Don't start on a Monday. It is right after the weekend, which is a trying time in the weight loss world and Mondays are often a day we don't feel our best anyway.

It has been reported that participants lost an average of 17 pounds over a period of 22 weeks and reduced their overall body stevia for weight loss by 10.5% and most importantly 16% of their overall body fat!

Use a smaller plate. I know it sounds silly but..."My eyes were bigger than my stomach"!! Sound familiar? This happens to the best of us, just try to limit it to holiday times. Using a smaller plate is one way of tackling this problem. Once again, studies have shown that when people are given different sized plates the subjects with the larger plates eat more and consequently gain more wait and feel worse for over-eating.

So here is my advice: pay attention to the type and amount of sugar that is in your foods and aim for fifteen to thirty grams total a day and get more info you will experience weight loss. If you really want to lose weight and get healthy, create a lifestyle of getting your sugar from fruits, and little, if any, from regular sugar. That's what I do, with room for treats here and there of course!

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